Building decentralized identity infrastructure for the leading blockchain ecosystems

As blockchain ecosystems continue to evolve, there is a growing realization that identity has a far more vital role to play. Decentralized identity is being integrated as core blockchain infrastructure component — moving up from the dApp layer to its fundamental infrastructure layer just like explorers, wallets, and oracles.

P ol y gon A v ala n c h e N e ar X RP L edger BNB Chain G n osis P olymath

Decentralized Identity Infrastructure Empowers dApps and Users in Web3

Customized Integration Options

Tailoring the System Setup to Meet Your Ecosystem's Needs

DID Registry

Authorize transactions by looking up their sender on an on-chain DID Registry

DID Registry

User wants to interact with dApp in your ecosystem

dApp requires identity verification (e.g. KYC). dApp checks if user’s wallet is in the DID Registery

If wallet is NOT in DID registery...

User goed through Fractal’s onboarding process. Their wallet address gets added to the DID Registery

If wallet IS in DID registery...

User can interact with dApps in your chain with no need to repeat verification process

User can issue credentials signed by Fractal to their Wallet (e.g. Fractal Identity Wallet or any other wallet that supports credentials in the ecosystem). User can present it to any dApps to gain access to products and services that require authentication

Solutions build for

We are powering the leading web3 ecosystems, discover how

P ol y gon A v ala n c h e N e ar X RP L edger BNB Chain G n osis P olymath
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