Aleph Zero Partners with Fractal ID for an Effortless KYC & Onboarding Experience for its Contributors: A Case Study.

Aleph Zero is a privacy-enhancing proof-of-stake public blockchain with instant finality. This allows independent developers as well as enterprises to build decentralized projects that benefit from the speed and security of a public Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) platform while still being able to preserve the privacy of their transactions.


To launch private and public contribution rounds, Aleph Zero wanted to conduct effortless KYCs to optimize their conversion rate by ensuring contributors’ uniqueness and identifying risk factors.

As an organization aiming for global reach, Aleph Zero’s KYC needs were also global, requiring 24/7 support and a quick KYC API integration, so they reached out to Fractal ID because of our multifaceted experience in handling global KYC requirements.


Aleph Zero partnered with Fractal ID to:

  • Ensure that Aleph Zero’s compliance requirements are met by asking contributors to validate the following:
    ID document;
    Proof of Residency;
    Liveness and Face Match;
  • Facilitate the contributors’ onboarding process by providing real-time 24/7 support to contributors via email and Telegram channels to ensure all their questions are answered. This for example enabled contributors to reach out to Fractal ID to ask questions about Aleph Zero’s projects, verify their credentials, and receive approval to participate in the public sale.


In a time span of only two weeks, Fractal ID received 11.565 applications, of which 85% met the compliance criteria, and were approved.

By outsourcing KYC processes to Fractal ID, Aleph Zero ensured an effortless KYC and onboarding experience for their contributors, kept their rounds safe, and was able to raise $10M through their private and public contributor sales.

We’ve chosen Fractal ID as a KYC partner due to their proactive approach and out-of-the-box problem-solving skills. Fractal team has been in touch with each one of our contributors, answering their questions and supporting them to have a smooth due diligence process.

Antoni Zolciak, Aleph Zero COO

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